Born January 22, 1765 in Huissen, Holland
Died October 13, 1820 in Huissen, Holland
Father: Herman de Smidt
Mother: Hendrina Giesbers
Occupation: "Smid" in the town of Huissen, Holland
Married 3 times
1st marriage to Catharina Hofsteede


Antonia Smidt
Born February 7, 1798 in Huissen
Parents: Wilhelmus Smid and Catharina Hofsteede
Godparents Hendrik Geurts and Sophia Smidt
Died August 14, 1801 of Smallpox at the age of 3.

Joannes Smidt
Born September 23, 1800 in Huissen
Parents: Wilhelmus Smidt and Catharina Hofsteede
Godparents: Henricus Jansen and Hendrina Giesbers

Antonius Smidt
Born January 7, 1802 in Huissen
Parents: Wilhelmus Smidt and Catharina Hofsteede
Godparents: Henricus Jansen and Hendrina Giesbers

Catharina Hofsteede died on August 20, 1803 at the age of 40 leaving 2 young children. She was buried September 23, 1803 at the cemetery in Huissen.

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